if, when, in case, ...

  • EFL Teacher
  • Grammar



A discussion about "if" ended with a list of different words that can be used to indicate a condition:



if  (si)


in case (au cas où)


unless  (sauf si / à moins que)


supposing  (en supposant que)


provided  (seulement si)


when  (quand)


whenever  ( à chaque fois)


as long as  ( tant que)


as soon as  (dès que)




If the sun shines on Monday, it will shine every day in the week.



I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me.


Unless he finds a wealthy wife, Lord James Sutcombe will lose everything.



We'll visit her in Paris next year, supposing she's still living there then.



He'll travel to Europe this summer provided he has enough money.



When she was younger, Karen Smith wanted to be a librarian.


Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision"


I can face it all as long as I have you.


As soon as she came home, she checked her mailbox.



Note: after these conjunctions you will never find "will", only present simple / present continuous, etc.






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